Asg 2

(2) Creating awareness among school/college students

BY Anusha, Sruthi, Madhuri, Anil

1)Textbooks /Notebooks cover pages:

Images or few lines which give knowledge about swacchbharat can be printed as textbooks or notebooks cover pages and content pages.

2)Coins Distribution and Marks system :

Students are interested in prizes and marks. Therefore, management should introduce a kind of system in which all the students will be given same no. of coins. If any of them come across student throwing waste they can pass the coin to him. In the weekends the students with fewer coins can be given prizes. Class must be divided into few groups and groups are allotted to few places for cleaning and students are given marks for it.

3) In schools and colleges, walls can be painted by swachbharat representing postures. Images or posters can be posted on the walls and display boards.

4) During school anniversaries programmes, students are intimated to performany dance or stage play on swacchbharat theme.

5) They should be asked to make some videos on swacchbharat and post it on YouTube.

6) Teachers must be intimated to take lessons on swacchbharat every week or once in 10 days.

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